TEEN SUICIDES THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH Teen Suicide is a Preventable Public Health Problem
CONTACT: Alexa Nuessle/Ann Corley The Pinnacle Schools Ph: (256) 518-9998 aknuessle@thepinnacleschools.com
TEEN SUICIDE IS THE THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH Teen Suicide is a Preventable Public Health Problem
Huntsville, AL November 24, 2008- Being a teenager is tough. Being the parent of a teenager can be even tougher. Today peer expectations are high; drug use and violence are on the television daily and considered normal behavior. The staff at Elk River Wilderness Challenge (ERWC) strives to change the behaviors and attitudes of troubled teens to develop self-directed, educated and contributing members of society.
Last week a 19-year-old Broward College student committed suicide live via webcam. It s estimated that thousands watched, encouraged and found humor in this young man s pain. Even fewer visitors tried to talk him out of his decision.
Suicide is a major, preventable public health problem. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in children and teenagers ages 10-19. Some of the major risk factors include: certain mental disorders (schizophrenia, anxiety disorders), alcohol/drug use and abuse, impulsive/aggressive behavior, hopelessness, etc.
The difficulties and challenges faced by today s teens are overwhelming. Sometimes, what starts as poor school performance or minor conflicts can turn into behaviors that may become dangerous and destructive.
Seeking help for you or your loved one for any of these risk factors is the first step towards effective treatment. ERWC provides diagnostic and clinically supported treatment services for troubled teens ages 12-18 and their families.
The therapeutic intervention provided by ERWC halts bad behavior patterns and assists teens in discovering their strengths, talents and potential. The entire wilderness experience promotes esteem-building, new thought processes and communication skills development. These are necessary tools to building productive, self-confident and goal-oriented lives.
Before I arrived at Elk River Wilderness Challenge I was depressed, suicidal, unmotivated and uncaring. ERWC has shown me a way to live again and truly recognized me as a person and not just a source of income. ERWC has been by my side to help me be successful no matter how difficult or how long it may take. " Former ERWC student.I placed my son in a program at the age of 16. It is a leap of faith to place your trust, much more so your child in the hands of strangers. It was the most difficult decision I have made. It was also the best. It created in me a passion to advocate, wherever possible, for troubled teens and their families. Karen Lee, President & CEO, The Pinnacle Schools, Inc.
If you or someone you love is having suicidal thoughts or has attempted suicide please call the Suicide Help Line at 1-800-273-TALK. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline sponsors this service and all calls are confidential.
If you or someone you know has a troubled teen please visit our website at www.thepinnacleschools.com or call toll-free at 1-866-906-8336.
The Mission of The Pinnacle Schools, Inc. is to develop adolescents who are self-directed, educated and contributing members of society. To support this mission, we resolve to provide an environment of respect, acceptance, skill development and challenge which fosters the personal development and emotional growth of our students. We are one component of a continuum of growth for struggling teens and their families.###