Heal Back Pain Without Surgery - Embryonic Stem Cell Update!
PORTLAND, Jan. 25/MAE Publishing, Poor posture at critical weight bearing areas of the body applied for years can create serious acute and chronic feet, knee, hip, back (spine), neck pain that requires correction to provide pain relief and healing. Surgery to alleviate chronic pain should be the last resort! However, if surgery is your only option for spinal cord injuries, etc., you will be interested to read the NEW YORK Press Release, The world's first study of a Treatment based on human embryonic stem cells to increase mobility and sensation a long - awaited project aimed at spinal cord injury has been approved by the US. Similar human studies for treating diabetes in the next few years look hopeful.
The weight bearing dynamics connection between healthy posture starting at the feet are very important, because when the feet are anatomically flawed some other up-line structural pain problem will most likely ensue. For example, like a leaning tree, the bottom one third of the tree continues to experience stress on itself in order to grow upward competing in a dense forest for the sun�s rays. The tree has to absorb a lot of foot pound pressure at the trunk area if its lean is severe. Because the trees trunk posture is not balanced it is greatly susceptible to structural failure at this point. If the tree could speak, it would tell you it suffers chronic pain at the trunk and acute-to-chronic pain all the way up through the mid branches.
You may create many other pain centers throughout your body, like the tree's trunk through the mid-branches. Your feet out of anatomical posture require correction if in pain, or pain occurs further up the body�s structure where radiating pain becomes problematic for other key weight bearing areas as the body attempts to self correct alignment. Because the body is all interconnected by means of spine, neurological, muscular and skeletal structures, distal injuries away from a key pain center often occur from a primary postural pain site (this distal pain aggravation is referred to as secondary, lateral, or radiating pain conditions as a direct result of primary non-corrected postural pain, e.g., foot (primary) to knee and back (secondary) pain problems are common. Correct posture by using "Posture Control Insoles�" can significantly alleviate all pain misalignment problems including secondary, lateral or radial pain before acute pain becomes a chronic pain condition.
Elective surgery is not an emergency and fortunately gives you the opportunity to conduct your own research before you sign on the dotted line. If you suffer from spinal back pain you need to know that the failure rate for these surgical procedures is very high. Before you take the radical and irreversible step of surgery, you are well advised to study other options for relieving your pain. According to a Johns Hopkins' 2002 white paper on low back pain; fewer than 5% of people with back pain are good candidates for surgery. If 95% of the candidates are not good prospects, what are your odds?
A recent article in the Medical Journal Spine stated that as much as 70% of those who underwent back surgery still suffered from back pain for up to 17 years after the surgery. The good news is that there are options. Ninety percent of back pain can be resolved without surgery if both doctors and patients are willing to try other treatments that basically help the back to heal itself. Says Dr. Richard Deyo, University of Washington, in an interview with CONSUMER HEALTH INTERACTIVE Magazine. The reason over 90% of back pain can be solved without surgery is simple. Most back pain is muscle pain. Most muscle pain is caused by muscle over-use. Poor posture forces the back muscles to work harder all day - even in situations where they should be relatively relaxed.
Dr. Bernard Filner, MD, says, A significant number of people, including many of his patients, contemplate surgery because they hurt so badly - but most of the time, by using the "Posture Control Insoles�" (Purchased through our site Click on the postural foot, or skeleton image for detailed product information) can alleviate the pain and avoid surgery. "Posture Control Insoles�" do what surgery and custom orthotics cannot do - provide the proper sensory feedback from your feet to your brain. Your feet play an integral role in maintaining a pain free posture, including proper curvature of the spine. Modest changes in your posture provide the potential for complete relief of low-back pain. If you are in pain, even if you have tried custom orthotics without success, please, try "Posture Control Insoles�" before you try surgery," said Dr. Filner.
When you are on your knees, suffering with back pain, changing posture may seem farfetched. But a variety of therapists can get you back to functional so you can start the ground up process of correcting your posture. Of course an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so starting to care for your posture today can save you unimaginable pain, time and money in the future. You can see how correct posture starting at the feet is so important to the overall health of the entire postural frame of the body.
It is for this reason If your feet, knees, hips, back, spine, neck bother you now, I highly recommend you read further into "Why you hurt?" Consider a low cost high results solution by Using "Posture Control Insoles�," Visit our home site, or chronic pain center and Click on the foot, or skeleton image for the entire postural pain prevention story. If surgery is your only option for your chronic spinal back pain condition, you'll want to read the New York press release that has recently been published, "US approves 1st stem cell study for spinal injury," By Malcolm Ritter, AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter, Ap Science Writer - Fri Jan 23, 7:22 am ET,
NEW YORK " A U.S. biotech company says it plans to start this summer the world's first study of a treatment based on human embryonic stem cells " a long-awaited project aimed at spinal cord injury. The company gained federal permission this week to inject eight to 10 patients with cells derived from embryonic cells, said Dr. Thomas Okarma, president and CEO of Geron Corp. of Menlo Park, Calif. The patients will be paraplegics, who can use their arms but can't walk. They will receive a single injection within two weeks of their injury. The study is aimed at testing the safety of the procedure, but doctors will also look for signs of improvement like return of sensation or movement in the legs, Okarma said.
Whatever its outcome, the study will mark a new chapter in the contentious history of embryonic stem cell research in the United States " a field where debate spilled out of the laboratory long ago and into national politics. While some overseas doctors claim to use human embryonic stem cells in their clinics, stem cell experts said they knew of no previous human studies that use such cells. "It's a milestone and it's a breakthrough for the field" because Geron passed the safety hurdles for getting federal clearance to launch the study, said Ed Baetge, chief scientific officer of Novocell Inc. His company hopes to begin a similar human study for treating diabetes in a few years.
In addition, said spinal cord injury researcher Dr. Wise Young of Rutgers University, "a lot of hope of the spinal cord injury community is riding on this trial." Embryonic stem cells can develop into any cell of the body, and scientists have long hoped to harness them for creating replacement tissues to treat a variety of diseases. But research has been controversial because embryos must be destroyed to obtain them.
About MAE (Mirror Athlete Enterprise)
Mirror Athlete Enterprises (www.mirrorathlete.com) is a free informational & "video media" resource targeting wellness, pain prevention, alternative pain treatments, health, fitness and nutrition. We focus on illness and disease prevention providing recommendations for the latest pain management concepts and alternative treatment modalities. One of our key focuses is alternative pain treatment opposed to surgery as the first corrective solution through posture correction using "Posture Control Insoles�" (See our home site, or chronic pain page and click on the postural foot, or skeletal image for product information). We also have a web page dedicated to our Wellness Company Wholesale program offering "safe" clean green non-toxic home products for your family and natural supplementation. You can always improve your health or quality of life regardless of your pain, illness, or disease situation, provided you have the right health information to make an informed decision while living life to the fullest.
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