Analyst Research on Health Management Associates Inc. and Tenet Healthcare Corp. -- Hospitals Profiting From Supreme Court Ruli
July 05, 2012 08:25 ET
Analyst Research on Health Management Associates Inc. and Tenet Healthcare Corp. -- Hospitals Profiting From Supreme Court Ruling
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA--(Marketwire - Jul 5, 2012) - [ www.StockCall.com ] offers free research on Health Management Associates Inc. (
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Following a period of extended uncertainty for the healthcare industry, hospitals such as Health Management Associates Inc. and Tenet Healthcare Corp. seem to be heading toward blue skies. Hospitals received a boost following the Supreme Court ruling which upheld Obama's health care reform bill.
StockCall.com is an online platform where investors doing their due diligence on the Hospitals industry can have easy and free access to our analyst research and opinions on Health Management Associates Inc. and Tenet Healthcare Corp. To see how companies in this industry have grown over the past years and how they are expected to perform in the future, please visit the link below.
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According to the ruling the mandate that virtually all Americans buy health insurance is constitutional and the penalty which a person must pay if they refuse to buy insurance is a sort of tax which Congress can enforce using its taxing power. Investors and shareholders of Health Management Associates Inc. can simply register for our complimentary reports by clicking on the link below.
[ www.StockCall.com/HMA050712.pdf ]
Although some healthcare stocks, such as health insurance stocks, have suffered at the hands of this ruling, hospitals seem to have gotten the sweet end of the deal. As a result of the regulations due to be implemented in 2014, hospitals are likely to see profits rise. Over 30 million uninsured will access coverage, boosting hospitals' patient volumes. Furthermore, more customers having insurance will limit the amount of unpaid bills which hospitals are left with. Register now to have free access to our report on Tenet Healthcare Corp., and to do so please click the link below.
[ www.StockCall.com/THC050712.pdf ]
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