Law Offices of Howard G. Smith Announces Investigation on Behalf of Shareholders of Allergan, Inc.
BENSALEM, Pa.--([ BUSINESS WIRE ])--Law Offices of Howard G. Smith announces that it is investigating potential claims against Allergan, Inc. (aAllergana or the aCompanya) (NYSE:AGN) concerning possible breaches of fiduciary duty or other violations of law by the Companya�s board of directors. Allergan is a multi-specialty healthcare company, engaged in the discovery, development, and commercialization of specialty pharmaceutical, medical device and over-the-counter products for the ophthalmic, neurological, medical aesthetics, medical dermatological, breast aesthetics, obesity intervention, urological and other specialty markets worldwide.
"agreed to plead guilty to one criminal misdemeanor charge and to pay $375 million to the government for misbranding Botox, through promotions for unapproved uses."
The investigation concerns allegations that the Company encouraged doctors to prescribe the drug Botox for uses not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the aFDAa), and that the Company engaged in such illegal tactics as paying kickbacks to doctors to promote Botox for unapproved uses like treating headaches. The FDA has approved Botox as a treatment for crossed eyes, involuntary blinking, involuntary neck muscle contractions and excessive underarm sweating, and has also approved the drug for the cosmetic use of smoothing vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. On September 1, 2010, The New York Times reported that Allergan has agreed to pay $600 million to settle federal government charges that from 2000 to 2005 the Company illegally promoted and sold Botox for unapproved uses. According to The New York Timesa� report, Allergan, among other things, aagreed to plead guilty to one criminal misdemeanor charge and to pay $375 million to the government for misbranding Botox, through promotions for unapproved uses.a
If you purchased shares of Allergan and still hold those shares, if you have information or would like to learn more about these claims, or if you wish to discuss these matters or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests with respect to these matters, please contact Howard G. Smith, Esquire, of Law Offices of Howard G. Smith, 3070 Bristol Pike, Suite 112, Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020 by telephone at (215) 638-4847, Toll Free at (888) 638-4847, or by email to [ howardsmith@howardsmithlaw.com ], or visit our website at [ http://www.howardsmithlaw.com ].