LOS ANGELES--([ BUSINESS WIRE ])--While January signals the start of a new year, for many Americans this month simultaneously serves as a troubling reminder that it may take until spring to shake the feelings of depression that may have arrived with winter. A specific type of depression a" seasonal affective disorder (SAD) a" is responsible, and considering that the National Institute of Mental Health estimates some 16 million Americans suffer from SAD, [ Health Net, Inc ]. (NYSE:HNT) is working to increase awareness of this widespread but manageable condition.
"SAD was first identified in the mid-1980s"
aIta™s important to recognize the symptoms of SAD, because there are effective treatments available,a explains Jonathan Scheff, M.D., chief medical officer for Health Net, Inc. Adding, aIf left untreated, SAD can be very debilitating, and therea™s no reason to spend several months of the year suffering unnecessarily.a
What is SAD?
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, SAD is a type of depression thata™s triggered by seasons of the year. For most who suffer from SAD, the condition arrives with the onset of winter and generally dissipates by spring or summer.
Regarding the underlying causes of SAD, the American Psychiatric Association points to a biochemical imbalance in the brain prompted by wintera™s shorter daylight hours and corresponding decreased sunlight. Some scientists have drawn a more specific link to serotonin, the brain chemical that fuels feelings of satisfaction; serotonin dips precipitously when there is less daylight. Other researchers have connected SAD with melatonin, a sleep-related hormone. The American Psychiatric Association notes that melatonin a" which has been linked to depression a" is produced at increased levels in the dark. Consequently, when the days are shorter and darker, more melatonin is produced.
aNot surprisingly,a says Scheff, aevidence suggests that the farther someone lives from the equator, the more likely they are to develop SAD.a
Symptoms of SAD
aThe first step toward managing SAD,a Scheff notes, ais recognizing its symptoms.a Toward this end, the National Alliance on Mental Illness offers these indications:
- feeling fatigued;
- sleeping excessively;
- withdrawing socially;
- losing interest in normal activities;
- craving foods high in carbohydrates;
- gaining weight;
- feeling irritable or anxious;
- finding it difficult to concentrate.
National Institute of Mental Health statistics indicate that women are three times more likely than men to suffer from SAD, and although children and teens can develop SAD, the condition generally does not appear in those under age 20.
Treating SAD
aSAD was first identified in the mid-1980s,a says Scheff, aand since that time, significant strides have been made in terms of treatment.a
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, light therapy has proven to be an effective treatment technique. In fact, between 50 percent to 80 percent of those utilizing light therapy experience a complete remission of symptoms, although treatment must continue throughout the winter months. Specifically, light therapy involves exposure to very bright light a" usually from a special, fluorescent lamp a" between 30 and 90 minutes daily. Some SAD sufferers experience additional relief by augmenting light therapy with psychotherapy; and, for others, prescription antidepressants also have proven helpful.
Scheff cautions, however, aIf you feel youa™re suffering from SAD, ita™s important to seek the assistance of a trained medical professional.a As noted by the American Psychiatric Association, SAD can be misdiagnosed as hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, infectious mononucleosis, as well as assorted other viral infections. Additionally, SAD can be confused with more serious conditions a" such as severe depression or bipolar disorder a" so the first step is to consult your health care provider.
Medical Advice Disclaimer
The information provided is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for professional medical care. Always seek the advice of your physician or other health provider for any questions you may have regarding your medical condition and follow your health care providera™s instructions.
About Health Net
Health Net, Inc. is among the nationa™s largest publicly traded managed health care companies. Its mission is to help people be healthy, secure and comfortable. The companya™s health plans and government contracts subsidiaries provide health benefits to approximately 6.0million individuals across the country through group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE and Veterans Affairs programs. Health Neta™s behavioral health subsidiary, MHN, provides mental health benefits to approximately 5.4 million individuals in all 50 states. The companya™s subsidiaries also offer managed health care products related to prescription drugs, and offer managed health care product coordination for multi-region employers and administrative services for medical groups and self-funded benefits programs.
For more information on Health Net, Inc., please visit the companya™s website at [ www.healthnet.com ].