Washington, D.C. city councilman Trayon White could be removed from office after an ad hoc committee unanimously voted on Monday to recommend the council expel him.
D.C. Councilman Jack Evans is facing a recommendation for expulsion from the D.C. Council due to allegations of corruption and misuse of his position for personal gain. The recommendation comes after an investigation by the Council's General Counsel, which found that Evans likely violated ethics laws by soliciting business from companies with interests before the Council. Specifically, he was accused of using his position to benefit his law firm, lobbying clients, and personal business interests. The investigation highlighted his involvement with a Metro contract and his relationship with a law firm that lobbied the Council. Despite these findings, the decision for expulsion requires a two-thirds vote from the Council, and as of now, there is uncertainty about whether there are enough votes to remove him. Evans has denied any wrongdoing and has not resigned, although he has stepped down from his position as Council Chairman.